Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Association (HAND)
Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 7:00 PM
St. Philip Neri Church Paulist Center, St Paul Room
2408 SE 16th Avenue (and Division)
7:00 Call to order
7:05 Introductions
7:10 Neighborhood Response Team officers/Crime Prevention Report
7:20 Approve minutes for September meeting
7:25 Central City 2035 Plan: 7:45 HAND priorities (Continued from September meeting; possible action 8:oo Housing Development Issues:
Developments with limited/no parking (possible action)
Demolition/Development @ 26th-27th and Hawthorne (in Buckman; time permitting)
8:30: Approval of GNA with Lardo
8:35: Announcements:
Communications Chair; technology update
PDC/Urban Renewal Area update, events
8:40: Treasurer’s report
8:45: Committee Reports:
Pocket Park?
Clinton Station Development RFQ
Tree Inventory?
9:00 Adjourn/clean up
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