May 2009 Southeast Community Policing Forum

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Southeast Precinct 4735 East Burnside Since this is likely the last Community Policing Forum meeting here at Southeast Precinct, the meeting agenda will be a little different. There will still be the regular...

Updated Land Use Notices for HAND

Coalition: Southeast Uplift Hosford-Abernethy | 05-15-09 | 1967 SE 28th Avenue | Adjustment Review – NOTICE | LU 09-124401 AD Publish date: May 15, 2009 Pull date: by 5:00 PM on June 5, 2009 Monitor other land use notices at the following link, click on the...

Important Info on Precinct Restructuring

PPB Restructure Meeting Planned with Chief Sizer and Commissioner Saltzman An additional public forum for the Police Bureau budget and precinct restructuring plan has been added for next Monday, April 20th. Chief Sizer and Commissioner Saltzman will both attend the...

Train Horn Noise, TriMet Open House

Please mark your calendar for this Open House next week. Several people in our neighborhood are concerned about train horn noise with the expected arrival of light rail passing through our neighborhood. If you would like to get involved, attend this meeting and...